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PST – Pizza Studio Tamaki Tokyo


Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
Photo Views: 102
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Foodle Reviews

on 02 Sep 2020

Pizzas: Margherita, Tamaki, Marinara, Diavola 🍕
Pizza Studio Tamaki (PST六本木), Tokyo (May 2019)
#PST六本木 #pizzastudiotamaki #visittokyo

7 / 10
on 24 Nov 2018

PST in the new home. Bigger with tables but with the same quality.
Light dough, moist and airy and for me most importantly thin but not too crusty.
The oven heated with hickory wood to 500c is so hot that the pizzas only stay there for about 50’seconds. The special trick is to throw a pinch of salt into the oven before the pizza goes in in order to avoid burning and to add a little salty taste to it. The ingredients come for everywhere, the flower for example from France and the beer from Okinawa,... More

Recommended in Tokyo


Japan, 〒106-0032 Tōkyō-to, Minato-ku, Roppongi, 7 Chome−6−2 MKアートレジデンス 1F


Open hours


+81 3-6434-7932

