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Average rating from 1 meal 6 / 10
Photo Views: 11
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Nordic - Swedish

Foodle Reviews

on 17 Jun 2024

Ett Hem - Stockholm (Sweden)

Ett hem means a home in Swedish. And that is precisely the value proposition of this beautiful boutique hotel, to be much more than another luxury hotel. Every little corner here is well taught, the decoration is impeccable and the project as a whole jaw dropping, while keeping a cozy feeling at the same time.

Staying here for a few nights was a privilege and made me feel like I was in heaven. It is the ultimate definition of home away from home. And as far as hotel... More

6 / 10
on 05 Aug 2022

Wonderful lunch in the new dining room/kitchen of this cosy hotel. The 3 course lunch menu is a steal.

on 28 Jun 2022

A terrific lunch, thanks to @bigtime_makin_it_nice , at @etthemstockholm . I had never heard of this place, but John had an interest in the hotel’s design, and had heard there was decent food to be had. As is often the case when prowling for good food with this group of friends, at breakfast time we had nowhere booked for lunch but at one o’clock we found ourselves sat in the kitchen enjoying an incredible lunch. This is now one of my top recommendations for Stockholm and... More

on 28 Jun 2022

A terrific lunch, thanks to @bigtime_makin_it_nice , at @etthemstockholm . I had never heard of this place, but John had an interest in the hotel’s design, and had heard there was decent food to be had. As is often the case when prowling for good food with this group of friends, at breakfast time we had nowhere booked for lunch but at one o’clock we found ourselves sat in the kitchen enjoying an incredible lunch. This is now one of my top recommendations for Stockholm and... More

on 26 Jun 2022

A terrific lunch, thanks to @bigtime_makin_it_nice , at @etthemstockholm . I had never heard of this place, but John had an interest in the hotel’s design, and had heard there was decent food to be had. As is often the case when prowling for good food with this group of friends, at breakfast time we had nowhere booked for lunch but at one o’clock we found ourselves sat in the kitchen enjoying an incredible lunch. This is now one of my top recommendations for Stockholm and... More

on 26 Jun 2022

A terrific lunch, thanks to @bigtime_makin_it_nice , at @etthemstockholm . I had never heard of this place, but John had an interest in the hotel’s design, and had heard there was decent food to be had. As is often the case when prowling for good food with this group of friends, at breakfast time we had nowhere booked for lunch but at one o’clock we found ourselves sat in the kitchen enjoying an incredible lunch. This is now one of my top recommendations for Stockholm... More

on 25 Jun 2022

Scallop, Artichoke, citrus
A terrific lunch, thanks to @bigtime_makin_it_nice , at @etthemstockholm . I had never heard of this place, but John had an interest in the hotel’s design, and had heard there was decent food to be had. As is often the case when prowling for good food with this group of friends, at breakfast time we had nowhere booked for lunch but at one o’clock we found ourselves sat in the kitchen enjoying an incredible lunch. This is now one of my top recommendations... More

on 25 Jun 2022

A terrific lunch, thanks to @bigtime_makin_it_nice , at @etthemstockholm . I had never heard of this place, but John had an interest in the hotel’s design, and had heard there was decent food to be had. As is often the case when prowling for good food with this group of friends, at breakfast time we had nowhere booked for lunch but at one o’clock we found ourselves sat in the kitchen enjoying an incredible lunch. This is now one of my top recommendations for Stockholm and... More

Recommended in Stockholm


Sköldungagatan 2, 114 27 Stockholm, Sweden


+46 8 20 05 90

