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Average rating from 1 meal 6 / 10
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Foodle Reviews

on 21 Apr 2022

納豆油そば / Natto Aburasoba / MENSHO TOKYO BKK - Bangkok, Thailand

Natto aburasoba contains house-made noodles, shoyu tare, flavor oil, pork chashu, menma, nori, green onion and salt-cured egg yolk. Aside from the standard menu, new updates will start this weekend including shrimp bisque ramen and triple wheat tsukemen. MENSHO TOKYO BKK open since 2018. @menshotokyobkk @menya_shono

6 / 10
on 05 Oct 2019

Serious ramen, outlet of the Tokyo based group.
Any ramen lover would be happy there.

Recommended in Bangkok


571 RSU Tower Room G-03 G Floor Klongton Nua, แขวง คลองตันเหนือ เขตวัฒนา กรุงเทพมหานคร 10110, Thailand


Open hours

