Dinner at Pineapple and Pearls

Dinner at Pineapple and Pearls

at Pineapple and Pearls on 5 July 2022
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1) Pimento Cheese & Everything Bagel gougères 🤤

2) Marco's Gnocchi – super light and incredible 🤯

3) Mont-Blanc Pasta – brown butter, chestnut, Parmesan white-chocolate sauce 😋

Sister restaurant @rosesluxury has always executed delicious pastas with interesting flavors, and @pineappleandpearlsdc is no exception. Marco’s gnocchi is a labor-intensive (lots of chopping, folding, and pressing) pasta made famous by NYC chef @marcocanora. Believe it or not, the recipe contains just potato and flour. Finished with butter and Parmesan 👏

The second pasta, no less delicious, is the famous Italian dessert in pasta form 🗻🇮🇹
@michelinguide: 🌟🌟

No. 58 on @oadtop100 “North America Top Restaurants” for 2022
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