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Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
Photo Views: 36
Restaurant Views: 1,724
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Isaac Loya


Farm to table

Foodle Reviews

on 03 May 2020

Raspberry dessert

Cream de tocinillo y helado

While walking the Camino del Norte over Christmas and New Year I was incredibly lucky to have a few Spanish friends following my progress. They would regularly message me to say that I would be arriving in a particular town or village in a couple of days and recommending/insisting that I eat at a particular restaurant. Even booking them for me on occasion. The @michelinguide , @theworlds50best and @oadtop100 are... More

on 28 Apr 2020

Bass in champagne “Familia Loya”

While walking the Camino del Norte over Christmas and New Year I was incredibly lucky to have a few Spanish friends following my progress. They would regularly message me to say that I would be arriving in a particular town or village in a couple of days and recommending/insisting that I eat at a particular restaurant. Even booking them for me on occasion. The @michelinguide , @theworlds50best and @oadtop100 are all great resources... More

7 / 10
on 04 Jan 2020

While walking the Camino del Norte over Christmas and New Year I was incredibly lucky to have a few Spanish friends following my progress. They would regularly message me to say that I would be arriving in a particular town or village in a couple of days and recommending/insisting that I eat at a particular restaurant. Even booking them for me on occasion. The Michelin guide, World’s 50 Best and OAD are all great resources (among many others) for hunting down great restaurants, but you can’t... More


Av. Juan Sitges, 3, 33405 Salinas, Asturias, Spain


Open hours


+34 (98) 5518613

