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Christian Kanstrup Pedersen


Modern Cuisine

Foodle Reviews

on 19 Nov 2023

Apricot kernel mousse, apricot and oolong milky tea sauce, smoked crumble
Blue cheese espuma, crystal goat cheese cracker, frozen crystal goat cheese and pickled nectarine
Caramelized yogurt cremeux, crystalized white chocolate, local peach
Lemon and camomile jelly
Miso tartlet and eggyolk caramel
Another visit to my favourite restaurant in Nice, now in its new, more central location and with a much more stylish dining room. I have had some stunning meals at @restaurantpurev Pure... More

on 19 Nov 2023

Raw local Mullet fish, timut pepper, butternut squash, broth of butternut squash and lemon verbena
Celery and patchouli salt
Sage foam
Onion tartlet, vermouth gel, pecorino and fermented mushrooms
Another visit to my favourite restaurant in Nice, now in its new, more central location and with a much more stylish dining room. I have had some stunning meals at @restaurantpurev Pure & V and this was probably my favourite so far. Finnish chef @pinja.cheffe Pinja Paakkonen... More

on 18 Nov 2023

Oscietre caviar, fresh local almonds and fig, buttermilk whey sauce, bayleaf oil
Beef tartare, lemonthyme emulsion, kohlrabi, batak pepper glaze
Another visit to my favourite restaurant in Nice, now in its new, more central location and with a much more stylish dining room. I have had some stunning meals at @restaurantpurev Pure & V and this was probably my favourite so far. Finnish chef @pinja.cheffe Pinja Paakkonen brings her own excellent Scandi take on the local produce... More

on 18 Nov 2023

Local baby hake fish, swiss chard, pickled green tomatoes, green beans, salted lemon, coriander seeds, smoked beurre blanc
Grilled zucchini, fermented rhubarb, fennel flowers, fermented rhubarb foam
Chicken and sweetbread Ballottine, pre-served plums, herb bouquet, chicken and shiso demi-glaze
Another visit to my favourite restaurant in Nice, now in its new, more central location and with a much more stylish dining room. I have had some stunning meals at @restaurantpurev Pure... More

on 18 Nov 2023

Sweetbread glazed with fermented plums, pickled plums, herbs from local farm and brown butter sauce
Local baby hake fish, chantarelle mushrooms, lardo and fermented potato, smoked beurre blanc with sage oil
Another visit to my favourite restaurant in Nice, now in its new, more central location and with a much more stylish dining room. I have had some stunning meals at @restaurantpurev Pure & V and this was probably my favourite so far. Finnish chef @pinja.cheffe Pinja... More

on 18 Nov 2023

Semidried tomato, preserved bergamotte, green beans, fermented tomato broth
Raw sea bream, cucumber, pickled coriander seeds, broth with cucumber and coriander oil
Potato flatbread, pickled fennel, home made fresh cheese
Another visit to my favourite restaurant in Nice, now in its new, more central location and with a much more stylish dining room. I have had some stunning meals at @restaurantpurev Pure & V and this was probably my favourite so far. Finnish chef @pinja.cheffe... More

on 12 Dec 2021

Cherry kompote with sirup of
cherrybrandy, salted almonds,
yougurt sorbet & almond tuile
It says a lot when you find a restaurant that you visit on a Wednesday and are back again the following Wednesday knowing full well that you'll be served exactly the same dishes. @restaurantpurev Pure & V is my favourite restaurant in Nice, having discovered it before the pandemic, and I would say probably one of my favourite spots on the French Riviera. Chef Christian Kanstrup Pedersen @ckpmofo... More

on 16 Jul 2020

Fresh goat cheese with verbena, vinegrette of browned butter, black berry vinegar, roasted Piedmontese hazelnuts and fresh blackberries.

Dinner last week at Nice’s newest addition to the @michelinguide ⭐️ @restaurantpurev where chef Mads Thomsen @mthomsen91 and owner @vanessabella34 Vanessa Massé have created a very welcome Nordic vibed haven in the heart of Nice.
This is really such a welcome addition to the Côte d’Azur’s dining scene and... More

Recommended in Nice


15 Rue Bottero, 06000 Nice, France


Open hours


+33 6 19 88 68 90

