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Confine Milan


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Francesco Capece (head pizza chef & owner) - Mario Ventura (owner)

Foodle Reviews

on 19 Jun 2024

in milan, italy (march ‘24)

quite a well established pizza spot in milan, sticking to neopolitan style with their fluffy crust and light dough, and known for their innovative flavours and pizza tasting during night-time.

we came for a quick lunch just to sample their dough and pizza selection. i like the dough, not anything particularly mind-blowing but very well made, with the light texture, cheetah printed crust and not a soggy base.
got the very classic margherita with bufala mozzarella which... More

Recommended in Milan


Piazza Guglielmo Massaia, 20123 Milano MI, Italy


Open hours


+39 375 542 6086

