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Vineet Bathia London


Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
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Foodle Reviews

8 / 10
on 23 Jun 2011

Formerly Rasoi until 2014 and with a Michelin star at the time of visit, Rasoi lost its star the following year, refurbished itself and regained its star in 2017 and is now packed up barely a week later(!). I took my Godmother out for a lunch at this restaurant at the time and had no idea before going in (other than the fact that my Godmum loves Indian food) of the fact it was essentially set in a Victorian town house, blended in to all the others on the same side street to King’s Road. After... More

Recommended in London


10 Lincoln St, Chelsea, London SW3 2TS, UK


Permanently Closed


+44 20 7225 1881