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The Fountain at Fortnum Mason London


Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
Photo Views: 3
Restaurant Views: 1,237
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Foodle Reviews

7 / 10
on 13 Jan 2008

A very brief visit here for a little Birthday celebration revealing some classic dishes such as eggs benedict, eggs rarebit and three versions of foie gras which, I unfortunately did not take a picture of before devouring(!). The latter was a lovely option to have which I hadn’t seen anywhere else. I went here so long ago now and at a time when I was only beginning to be keen on food properly, so I don’t think I can do Fortnums justice on this however, I can say it was a highly pleasing affair,... More

Recommended in London


181 Piccadilly, St. James's, London W1A 1ER, UK


Open hours


+44 20 7734 8040

