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Chong Choi Fong



Foodle Reviews

on 15 Aug 2024

Feasting at @chinatanglondon @thedorchester 🥟🇨🇳
A heavenly spread. Easily my favourite Chinese in London. Everyone has their go-to but this is where I always find myself going back to. The Peking duck is top tier, prepared the traditional way with ultra crispy, golden lacquered skin, translucent pancakes, deeply sweet hoisin, spring onions & cucumbers. For second course, their duck lettuce wraps with the remaining off-cuts is the best. They stir fry the remaining... More

on 11 Apr 2024

Dimsum and Duck @chinatanglondon @thedorchester 🦆🔥
Nothing quite like it. Still one of my favourites for Chinese. The duck here is excellent - perfectly golden and lacquered all over with really tender and flavoursome meat. The move is to ask for them to wrap the duck for you, one because they do a much better job and two because it’s so satisfying to just grab and eat this way. On the side, my favourite sesame prawn toast, xiaolong bao, crispy prawn wontons, and their... More

7 / 10
on 07 Mar 2015

I have always wanted to see what The Dorchester’s Chinese restaurant is like as it’s reputation has been very good over the years and so it was great to see for myself today. The set menu at lunch for £27.50 which included a glass of red or white was very good value for the Dim Sum, three duck pancakes and (fillet) beef noodle dishes. The Dim Sum was fair but did need bringing to life by the rice vinegar and chili oil and sauces (both well done); the duck pancakes were very good although... More

Recommended in London


53 Park Ln, Mayfair, London W1K 1QA, UK


Open hours


+44 20 7629 9988

