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Barrafina London


Average rating from 2 meals 7.5 / 10
Photo Views: 57
Restaurant Views: 2,933
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Angel Zapata Martin



Foodle Reviews

7 / 10
on 11 Jul 2018

Barrafina in Covent garden is the second in the chain of Barrafinaes. It have a michelin plate (the first have a star in michelin)
The kitchen is Spanish - tapas style servings - fresh and of the marked that day. The menu changes every day according to what they find at the marked.
We, the four of us, came to the restaurant in the afternoon and had a walk in. It was a busy kitchen but quick expedition and tasty food. I don’t recall the price and I got a beer, so not much to say on the beverage... More

8 / 10
on 27 Dec 2014

I was in the area and we needed food, so luckily got a seat prior to everyone and this time had the classic Iberico ham, gorgeous croquetta with béchamel and bacon, incredibly good lemon oil based prawns and a deep fried courgette flower with goats cheese and brushes of syrup. I have to say the dishes were far better than last time and I knew the desserts would be average so simply avoided them and replaced with sherry and beer to go with the savouries! A lovely set of dishes, which were, thankfully... More

Recommended in London


26-27 Dean St, Soho, London W1D 3LL, UK


Open hours


+44 (20) 78 13 80 16

