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Inoyoshi (ラーメン いのよし) Kurayoshi


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Tottori Style Beef Ramen

Foodle Reviews

on 06 Dec 2021

Tottori Prefecture is known for beef bone ramen. I’ve been to a handful but most were kind of meh. Any recommendations in the sand dune prefecture that most people haven’t been to?

#ラーメン #日本 #東京 #food #foodporn #ramen #instafood #foodcritic #foodpics #hashtagskindalame #restaurant #美味しい #旨い #らーめん

7 / 10
on 03 Jan 2021

Recommended bowl: Local legend shop

This family owned well-known local spot is now third generation run, originally opened in 1969. In 2015, they closed down the original spot and moved to a new space that has over 50 seats. The signature Tottori style beef bone based ramen is available with shoyu, shio, miso tare and/or spicy. The soup contains beef bones, negi and cabbage, simmering 24 hours a day every day (even when the shop is closed). Kind of a local legend.


Japan, 〒682-0016 鳥取県倉吉市海田西町2丁目27


Open hours


+81 858-24-5549

