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Unagi no Mitsuru (うなぎの美鶴) Kagoshima


Average rating from 1 meal 6 / 10
Photo Views: 21
Restaurant Views: 1,268
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Unagi (Eel)

Foodle Reviews

6 / 10
on 15 Nov 2019

One of the best eel places one can find, it is worth the walk through the country side.

on 22 Mar 2019

Fantastic unagi place about one hour from Kagoshima. First a train ride, then a half hour walk from the train station. When I arrived shortly after 11am, the car park was full and the list at the entrance was already filling the entire first page.
Luckily my concierge managed to get me a reservation, so I did not really have to wait, as the friendly lady instantaneously spotted me and recognised me as Huber-san, easier than it seems, as I was the only gaijin around.

It is a pity that I was not allowed... More

Recommended in Kagoshima


3573-4 Shimofukumotochō, 下福元町 Kagoshima-shi, Kagoshima-ken 891-0144, Japan


Open hours


+81 99-267-8341

