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Hangzhou at West Lake Four Seasons Hotel Chinese Food Restaurant Hangzhou


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Foodle Reviews

on 20 Jan 2019

2018 Top 10 Dishes
Xiao Long Bao
Jinsha, Hangzhou, China 🇨🇳 .
Check out the full Top 70 list on my FB page. Link in bio. .

This years best dishes list has been a tough one to compile and with so many restaurants visited I have found it impossible to cull down to less than 70 dishes that really stood out for me this year.
2018 has been a busy year. 27 countries visited, one of which I managed to walk across when completing the Camino De Santiago earlier in the year. With... More

Recommended in Hangzhou


5 Ling Yin Lu, Xi Hu Qu, Hang Zhou Shi, Zhe Jiang Sheng, China, 310013


Open hours


+86 571 8829 8888

