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Marisol Chicago


Average rating from 1 meal 6 / 10
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American, Contemporary

Foodle Reviews

6 / 10
on 17 Oct 2017

Marisol restaurant is named after the late Venezuelan artist, Maria Sol Escobar. The MCA’s first-ever donated piece was her sculpture “Six Women.” Like her pal Andy Warhol, Marisol was a bit of a mystery, often confusing people with her humor and her varied styles of art. It is said that she used to like to order late-night steak and eggs in New York’s Soho neighborhood. There is a sandwich on the menu (pictured below) created as an homage to Marisol.

Located in the Museum of Contemporary... More

Recommended in Chicago


205 E Pearson St, Chicago, IL 60611, USA


Open hours


+1 312-799-3599

