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Salsify at the Roundhouse Cape Town


Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
Photo Views: 78
Restaurant Views: 1,464
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Foodle Reviews

7 / 10
on 08 Jan 2019

In the former hunting lodge of Lord Charles Somerset, overlooking the wonderful coast line of Camps Bay opened very recently the newest child of the Dale-Roberts empire. Chef/Partner Ryan Cole, Test Kitchen alumnus, reigns in the kitchen.

They have a tasting menu, but also offer a la carte. As this is rare, we created our own tasting menu in simply ordering the entire menu, every single dish on the a la carte menu!

Having opened just 2 months ago, the kitchen and the front office impress. Apart... More

Recommended in Cape Town


Camps Bay, Cape Town, 8040, South Africa


Open hours


+27 21 010 6444

