Dinner at 拉麺 瑞笑

Dinner at 拉麺 瑞笑

at Ramen Suisho (拉麺 瑞笑) on 4 September 2021
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特製背脂煮干しそば / Tokusei Seabura Niboshi Soba / Ramen Suishō - Kokubunji, Tokyo

Soup is made using whole chickens, chicken carcasses, pork bones, niboshi and katsuo. Four kinds of shoyu go into the tare sauce. Noodles by Mikawaya Seimen. Niboshi shoyu ramen limited to 30 bowls per day. No photos allowed other than the ramen. Run by master Takagi-san, who trained at Takechan in Chofu and then Menya Musashi. Open since January 2020.

特製背脂煮干しそば / Tokusei Seabura Niboshi Soba / Ramen Suishō - Kokubunji, Tokyo

Soup is made using whole chickens, chicken carcasses, pork bones, niboshi and katsuo. Four kinds of shoyu go into the tare sauce. Noodles by Mikawaya Seimen. Niboshi shoyu ramen limited to 30 bowls per day. No photos allowed other than the ramen. Run by master Takagi-san, who trained at Takechan in Chofu and then Menya Musashi. Open since January 2020.