Dinner at Alchemist

Dinner at Alchemist

at Alchemist on 18 November 2024
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No tour of Scandinavia is complete without a visit to my favourite restaurant on the planet @restaurantalchemist
Rasmus and @lykke_alchemist had just flown back that morning from Dubai where @rasmusmunkalchemist picked up his incredibly well deserved number 1 chef in the world award from @thebestchefawards
I remember clearly my first visit to the original Alchemist in 2016 when Rasmus was working pretty much solo behind a small counter of maybe 10 seats (see last pictures) The vision was there even then. An holistic dining experience that would focus on educating people to be more conscious of what they are eating, but without being preachy, and of course with the main focus being on delivering delicious yet thought provoking food. He made a great impression on me back then, and so I went back a year later, then back again to the building site of Alchemist 2.0 where Rasmus cooked us a fantastic lunch in the empty shell of what was to become the world renowned restaurant we know today. This last visit was my 14th I think and it never gets old. It’s always changing, improving and endeavouring to ultimately make the world a better and more sustainable place for everyone to live, including the animals that we share this planet with. I feel extremely privileged to be able to continue bringing new diners to this very special place. See you again in March Ramus, Lykke and team ❤️
Michelin Guide - ⭐️⭐️🍀
La Liste - 413
W50B - 8
Best Chef Awards - 1
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