Dinner at サンラサーसंरसा

Dinner at サンラサーसंरसा

at Sungari Shinjuku Higashiguchi on 17 February 2024
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東新宿サンラサー / Higashi-Shinjuku Sunrather



ハードルの高さは3つ。1つは、平日で週3日程度という営業。1つは、ランチのみという時間帯。1つは、1日30食限定という数量の少なさ。実際のお隣のお客さんなどは会社を休んで来てると言ってました。笑 立ち食いのカレースタンドで、お店はカウンター5席のみのかなり狭い空間。そして、店主のワンオペなのでカレーの提供人数に限界があるのだ。



週替わりのカレーは「ふわふわ酒蒸し鶏のシャバ出汁キーマカレー」。もう解説が必要がないくらい全部言っちゃってます。笑 ほぐした鶏に味がしっかり浸透しており、スープ状のカレーからはたっぷりの旨味が。フライドオニオン的な薬味もいい仕事。



I visited Higashi-Shinjuku Sunrather, a curry store in Shinjuku, which is quite a hurdle to visit.
There are three hurdles: first, the restaurant is open only three days a week on weekdays; second, the hours are limited to lunch only; and third, the limited quantity of 30 servings per day is very small. The restaurant is a standing curry stand with only five seats at the counter, which is quite small.

However, even with this hurdle, the restaurant offers curry that is worth eating.

The menu is basically composed of the standard keema curry and a curry that changes weekly. The most popular dish is ai-gake, a combination of both. First, take a bite of the Hwasenga Pork Keema Curry. Coated with garlic and spices, the keema has a great taste and mouth feel. The onion base, or perhaps a little bit of juice, is all flavor. Of course, the stimulation from the pepper is not to be missed.

Another nice touch is the variety of toppings available for a fee, including a variety of achars. I had the oyster achar this time, but the rest of the menu is also very attractive.
