Dinner at 麻布台ヒルズギャラリー

Dinner at 麻布台ヒルズギャラリー

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富麗華キッチン / Fureika Kitchen



2つの意味で日本一”高い”ビルディングだけに、そこに入るブランドたちにも全くの隙がない。日本が誇る名店達が名を連ねておりますが、中華料理の惣菜を担当するのが中国飯店グループ。その1つである富麗華の名前を冠した、その名もすばり『富麗華キッチン (フレイカ)』でございます。旗艦店である富麗華のスピンオフとあって、その価値は余計に高い。ちなみに、カジュアルさを見事に表現するカタカナロゴは、僕の大好きなアートディレクターの小杉君が務めております。





I went to Azabudai Hills Market, the grocery store at the just-opened Azabudai Hills.

As the tallest building in Japan in two senses of the word, there is no shortage of brands to choose from. Among the many famous Japanese restaurants, the China Restaurant Group is in charge of Chinese delicatessen products. One of these restaurants is named "Fureika Kitchen," and the name is aptly descriptive. The value of this restaurant is even higher because it is a spin-off of the flagship restaurant, Fureika.

Fureika bowl, 2,530 yen.

The price is still the same as at Fureika and Azabudai. But it is well worth it. It is what is called a bowl of rice, but it consists of three kinds: homemade chashu pork, black pepper pork tenderloin, and steamed chicken with leek sauce.
The chashu has an addictive flavor, and the pork tenderloin is violently delicious. The steamed chicken and the leek sauce are both excellent.
