Dinner at MIL Restaurant - Moray

Dinner at MIL Restaurant - Moray

at MIL Centro on 5 March 2023
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Fermentations, distillates and infusions at @milcentro made with botanicals, herbs and roots collected in the region. Led by @mc.mater , a specialist in drinks and craft cocktails. This one in particular is made entirely from cactus, using the fleshy leaves and seeds.
He extracts the leaves from the cactus, removes the thorns and bark. Then he blends it to extract the silky and viscous texture.
For the colour, he collects the fruits of the cactus, removes the bark, blends and strains. Very unfamiliar but very good.
Next is a piece of fermented and dehydrated yacón, which again has a very peculiar but pleasant taste and texture. Good things come to those who explore the unfamiliar or as they say at @mater.in “There’s more outside”