Dinner at Prado Restaurante

Dinner at Prado Restaurante

at Prado on 9 November 2020
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So good to come back to @prado_restaurante this weekend. @antoniogalapito is on top of his game. The times are harsh for restaurants, more constraints have just been mandated by the government for the coming weeks. Somehow places like this are still holding on and cooking really well, miraculously navigating the rising uncertainty. We’re fortunate to have them. The city will need them when we finally overcome this storm. In these pics, “Mussels, chard, coriander, bread” and “Mackerel toast, lard and caramelized onion”, but I could also mention the eel, the boletos with egg, the grouper with seaweeds, the razor clams...

So good to come back to @prado_restaurante this weekend. @antoniogalapito is on top of his game. The times are harsh for restaurants, more constraints have just been mandated by the government for the coming weeks. Somehow places like this are still holding on and cooking really well, miraculously navigating the rising uncertainty. We’re fortunate to have them. The city will need them when we finally overcome this storm. In these pics, “Mussels, chard, coriander, bread” and “Mackerel toast, lard and caramelized onion”, but I could also mention the eel, the boletos with egg, the grouper with seaweeds, the razor clams...