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Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
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Cho Hee-sook


Korean, Modern Korean

Foodle Reviews

on 28 Aug 2020

(SWIPE FOR MORE PICS) Chef Cho Hee Sook is often regarded as godmother of Korean cuisine, chef’s chef and inspiration to local Korean chefs such as Chef Mingoo and internationally, even more so after she was recognised as Best female chef in 2019 Asia’s 50 Best. Her restaurant Hansik Gonggan is not upscale fine dining nor “innovative” in approach, and there was not a lot of extravagant ingredients but the cooking was simply another level. Each dish which looks deceptively simple and easy... More

on 03 Jan 2020

Today in the freezing cold night in Japan, I suddenly remember this one dish in one of my best meals in 2019. It was also the best dish I had in Seoul back in November.
Pinenut congee with scallop, shiitake mushroom, steamed abalone, at Hansik Gonggan @hansikgonggan in Seoul.
If you remember how much I love about the congee at Chairman, this congee created the same level of ethereal feeling when I had it. This congee does not have rice grain texture, instead it was a super smooth... More

7 / 10
on 30 Oct 2019

Cho Hee-sook is a very unassuming and soft spoken person. When she came to our table after we finished the meal, I did not, for a short moment, know whom I am talking too.
Her food somewhat reflects her personality, but don't make a mistake, this is not a boring food.
Heavy on vegetables it combines interesting ingredients and blends it to flavourful dishes.
Especially for lunch this is a must-go restaurant when staying in Seoul.

Recommended in Seoul


South Korea, Seoul, Jongno-gu, Wonseo-dong, Yulgok-ro, 83 공간사옥 4층


Open hours


+82 2-747-8104

