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Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
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Trattoria, Emilian


Franco Cimini

Foodle Reviews

on 15 Sep 2024

Osteria Del Mirasole - San Giovanni in Persiceto (Italy)

Some people say that @osteriamirasole is worth the drive to San Giovanni in Persiceto. Well, that could not be further from the truth as it implies that investing a little bit of your time to get there is some sort of penalti. In my eyes, it is a pilgrimage. And the restaurant is actually worth the plane ticket all the way from Brazil.

Antica Osteria del Mirasole embodies everything I love about food. There is no bullshit here.... More

on 21 Jun 2024

in bologna, italy (april’24)

a lovely easter weekend getaway to bologna, a place i’ve been aching to go for some time. started the trip with the best best best spot a small train ride away from the main city. known for their ‘mirasole outcrop cream’ - from cows from their own dairy farms to make cheese, creams and milks, its definitely worth the journey to try this.

we began with some bites, like the mortadella sandwich and homemade ricotta cheese from their farm, the mortadella ham... More

on 22 Jan 2020

I was the last customer to leave the lunch service (always happens 😅) and the very kind waiter told me the chef already left to sleep 🤣 (好有性格) he is such a character 😂. But then he said there is a chef in the kitchen who is Japanese and if I want to meet him? I thought why not? And he came out and we chatted for awhile. His name is Kousuke and he has been working here for 3 years already.
And now the mystery is solved. Why is this restaurant place so good? Because in all good restaurants... More

Recommended in San Giovanni in Persiceto


San Giovanni in Persiceto, Metropolitan City of Bologna, Italy


Open hours


+39 (051) 821 273

