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Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
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Sota Atsumi


Modern Cuisine

Foodle Reviews

on 18 Oct 2024

Chefs Table Experience @maison_sota

- Cucumber, fig leave, apple, sorrel -
- Scallop, butternut, juniper berry, satzuma -
- Salade tiéde, zucchini, pistachio, albufeira -
- Trout & Lentils -
- Guinea fowl, onions, eggplant, egg yolk, chanterelles -
- Poached pear & Crème brûlée -

Foodtastic experience by @sotaatsumi

8 / 10
on 17 May 2023

The newest gig of Sota san. Light, fire based cooking with a hint of smoke in almost every dish. Very tasty but interestingly visually not so beautiful.
Outstanding dis was the oyster, slight warmed over the grill and paired with new peas. A great combination.
The atmosphere is very special. The restaurant is housed in a former storage and repair shop. It has only 2 stories and is completely open in the inside. The kitchen and dining room is on the gallery which covers half of the foot print... More

Recommended in Paris


3 Rue Saint-Hubert, 75011 Paris, France


Open hours


+33 1 43 38 61 95

