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Morgenstern’s Finest Ice Cream New York


Average rating from 1 meal 3 / 10
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Nicholas Morgenstern


Ice Cream

Foodle Reviews

3 / 10
on 03 Nov 2017

Second try of the over hyped ice cream store in Manhattan. In the summer my wife and I queued up for 45(!) minutes (people who know her will be able to imaging the acerbic comments of my wife about me standing in line for so long) only to get one of the biggest let downs in ice cream history.
This place serves super interesting flavours like the coconut ash ice cream but because of it is vegan it all tastes the same, Don’t get me wrong but would you expect the black ice cream in the one of the... More

Recommended in New York


88 W Houston St, New York, NY 10012, USA


Open hours


+1 212-209-7684

