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Average rating from 1 meal 9 / 10
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Restaurant Views: 2,886
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Ivan and Sergey Berezutski


Creative, Russian

Foodle Reviews

on 05 Sep 2019

Vegetable Candies:
- Beetroot and black currant marmalade
- Ginger and eggplant jam candy with chocolate
- Cauliflower and hazelnut
- Red carrot and sea buckthorn macaroon
- Green pea, lime and mint macaroon
- Corn and passion fruit marshmallow

Parsnip Wine

Group Photo with @twinsgardenmoscow @the_dining_austrian
Twins Garden, Moscow (July 2019)
#visitmoscow #twinsgarden... More

9 / 10
on 20 Jul 2019

Ivan and Sergey Berezutskiy are working for quite some time to create and realize their own dream. They must have found the right partner to do so, because what they have accomplished in their new place in Moscow, Twin's Garden is remarkable.
Quite a large restaurant on 2 floors on top of a building overlooking a park and some very beautiful buildings, they have the largest collection of wines in Russian and the biggest collection of Russian wine.
They served us their vegetable menu which was ... More

on 05 Aug 2018

Halibut with Vener rice algae sauce and yuzu aroma
Meat soup with baked vegetables
Twins, Moscow (Aug 2017)
#moscow #visitrussia #twinsrestaurant

Recommended in Moscow


Strastnoy Blvd, 8А, Moskva, Russia, 125009


Open hours


+7 499 112-33-11

