Lunch at Twins Garden

Lunch at Twins Garden

at Twins Garden on 20 July 2019
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Ivan and Sergey Berezutskiy are working for quite some time to create and realize their own dream. They must have found the right partner to do so, because what they have accomplished in their new place in Moscow, Twin's Garden is remarkable.
Quite a large restaurant on 2 floors on top of a building overlooking a park and some very beautiful buildings, they have the largest collection of wines in Russian and the biggest collection of Russian wine.
They served us their vegetable menu which was entirely sourced from their 50ha farm where they have everything one needs to be autark.
Their philosophy sounds simple: Concentrate the taste of vegetables by removing or adding liquidity. The picture of the lab shows what they mean by this.
The result is more than impressive. It is hard to keep a palate interested when you only serve vegetables bu they mastered this challenge brilliantly. The courgette flower and the dry aged cabbage were wonderful dishes with great subtlety and flavour profile.
Besides the menu they paired the dishes with the own fermented Vegetable wines. As interesting this experiment is, and I am sure they poured plenty of heart blood into this effort, I have been a little underwhelmed by the result. Most of them had a too high acidity for really become my favourite beverage. But as I wrote a before, there are 15,000(!) positions on the wine list, plenty to choose from.
I absolutely have to go back to eat the "normal" menu. It must be great

Modern Russian
9 / 10