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Average rating from 3 meals 9 / 10
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Foodle Reviews

9 / 10
on 22 Apr 2018

Fantastic dinner during the OAD week in London.

The "New to the List" was by far the best dinner of the series with young Chefs displaying extraordinary skills and dishes with some surprising and delightful flavour combinations.

For example the Cappuccino of North Sea shrimp with coffee of Willem Hiele which was conceived standing in the kitchen and drinking coffee while cooking a shrimp soup. Who would have thought that coffee and shrimps go together, but there we are.

Kudos to Steve Plotnicki... More

8 / 10
on 16 Apr 2018

OAD Japan Meets Iceland dinner in London
Featuring dishes by

Vijhalmur Sigurdarson | Souvenir | Ghent, Belgium
Kári Porsteinsson | Dill | Reykjavik, Iceland
Yoji Tokuyoshi | Tokuyoshi Milan, Italy
Atsushi Tanaka | A.T. | Paris, France

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/1Y6M3Lje8qM
BLOG: https://loustejskal.com/2018/04/16/oad-japan-meets-iceland/
FULL ALBUM: https://www.flickr.com/photos/loustejskal/albums/72157695693446284

Recommended in London


88 Worship St, London EC2A 2BE, UK


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