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Average rating from 1 meal 10 / 10
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Foodle Reviews

on 25 Apr 2023

Dehydrated strawberry mochi, saffron and cardamom
Egg fruit, amazake reduction
Noma Kyoto (March 2023)

on 21 Apr 2023

Yuzu jelly, sake, and plum kernel oil in shape of shijimi clam
Noma Kyoto (March 2023)

on 19 Apr 2023

Green rice and roses from Ishigaki island, dressed with rose vinegar and rose oil
Noma Kyoto (March 2023)

on 18 Apr 2023

Noma Kyoto — finally made it to the pop up, quite an interesting experience. The space decoration was thoughtful and staff were very passionate. Dishes were beautifully presented, a bit gimmicky to some extent but many original ideas. Flavor wise it was quite diverse but a bit heavy on sweet and sour, a bit more umami would have been nice. Overall worth visiting at least once. •

#foodgasm #yum #eat #foodpic #foodpics... More

on 16 Apr 2023

Ise Ebi tail, fermented in black garlic and miso, served with pumpkinbushi, sansho pepper, sudachi lemon
Noma Kyoto (March 2023)

on 12 Apr 2023

Kyoto boar, belly fermented in black garlic and miso, served with pumpkinbushi, small leaf of sancho, Sudachi lemon
Noma Kyoto (March 2023)

on 07 Apr 2023

Sansai, steamed and grilled, ise ebi brain sauce
Noma Kyoto (March 2023)

on 06 Apr 2023

Roasted lotus root, glazed with mushroom, sauce of shijimi and egg yolk
Noma Kyoto (March 2023)

on 05 Apr 2023

Kinki fish from Hokkaido, cured with fermented elderflower paste, lightly grilled on the barbecue with egg yolk, sakura, and yuzu garum
Noma Kyoto (March 2023)

on 03 Apr 2023

Green tofu made from green soybeans, nasturtium flowers, raw almonds
Noma Kyoto (March 2023)

on 30 Mar 2023

Bamboo from Tokushima, cooked in broth with dashi and miso water, cornbushi, squid infused with jasmine tea leaves

The cornbushi is made from a 4th generation Katuobushi maker. In Makurazaki, Kagoshima Prefecture, he is always looking to do new things and see how he can use his skill into making Katuobushi other than fish. Noma collaborated with him and sent over various fruits and vegetable. Noma cut the corn in wedges and made the dashi out of it.
Noma Kyoto (March 2023)
#cityfoodsters_nomakyoto... More

on 29 Mar 2023

Cuttlefish, thinly sliced and marinated in whisky vinaigrette
Noma Kyoto (March 2023)

on 28 Mar 2023

Demon shrimp with paste of native seabuckthorn
Noma Kyoto (March 2023)

on 27 Mar 2023

Hotpot of seaweed, inspired by shabu shabu. Different seaweed from all over Japan from Hokkaido all the way down to Okinawa. Local spinach heart and konatsu from Kochi prefecture.
Noma Kyoto (March 2023)

on 24 Mar 2023

Fresh yuba with wild herbs, local koji barbecued and glazed served with pickled ginger, konatsu lemon with dried tomato, pickled cherry leaves with garlic, pollen jelly
Noma Kyoto (March 2023)

10 / 10
on 18 Mar 2023

Fantastic meal. The NOMA team outdid themselves.
Their take on Japanese ingredients combined with the ingenuity created a unique meal.

Recommended in Kyoto


245-2 Kurumayachō, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 604-8185, Japan

