Wonderful dim sum at The Eight 8餐廳

Wonderful dim sum at The Eight 8餐廳

at 澳门8餐厅 - The Eight on 25 November 2017
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Lunch at the invitation of the hotel. We were treated to a sampling of the amazing dim sum items from the kitchen, made into animal shapes.

We were also shown the skills of the two chefs who are able to make 'wensi tofu', where 105 cuts are made into a bloc of silken tofu to create a chrysanthemum flower.

Full account of lunch is here:

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Steamed crystal blue shrimp dumplings in goldfish shape (藍天使蝦金魚餃)

Crispy barbecued pork buns with preserved vegetables (脆香叉燒包)

Chicken broth with fish delicate and beau curd in chrysanthemum shape (菊花魚圓)