another wonderful dim sum lunch

another wonderful dim sum lunch

with Ian Westcott at 澳门8餐厅 - The Eight on 8 September 2018
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Taking good friends to dim sum at my favorite place in Macau

Full account of lunch is here:

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Steamed dumplings with crystal blue shrimp in goldfish shape (藍天使蝦金魚餃)

Crispy barbecued pork buns with preserved vegetables (脆香叉燒包)

Puff pastry with river shrimp in purse shape (河蝦肉鬆手袋酥)

Steamed turnip cake with shredded conpoy in fish shape (瑤柱蒸魚形蘿蔔糕)

French goose liver with “char siu” and a thin-sliced of Chinese preserved sausage (法國鵝肝金錢雞)

Barbecued pork (玫瑰蜜汁叉燒)