Dinner at Xin Rong Ji

Dinner at Xin Rong Ji

at Xin Rong Ji on 5 October 2018
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Pretty good dinner with parents, with dishes delivering favors familiar to my family.

Full account of dinner is here: https://www.diarygrowingboy.com/2018/10/dads-bday-2018-familiar-flavors.html

7 / 10

Deep-fried baby pigeon (紅燒妙齡乳鴿)

Rich soup stock braised fish with rice cakes (家燒黃衫魚配年糕)

Braised sea anemones with sweet potato noodles (沙蒜豆麵)

Braised tofu with preserved pork and black fungus (刀板香藏木耳燒鹽滷豆腐)