Lots of beef at Nikushou

Lots of beef at Nikushou

at Nikushou on 2 June 2018
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A wonderful selection of Japanese beef

Full account of dinner is here: http://www.diarygrowingboy.com/2018/06/8000-calorie-day-no-curry-no-bro.html

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Beef katsu (牛カツ) from Hida cattle

Chuck tender (トウガラシ) from Matsuzaka cattle

Thick-cut beef tongue

Thick-cut beef tongue

Rump necktie (ネクタイ) from Kobe cattle on rice

Rump necktie (ネクタイ) on rice with summer truffle

Chuck flap (ザブトン) from Hida cattle

Sirloin (サーロイン) - from Miyazaki cattle (宮崎牛)

Sirloin (サーロイン) - from Miyazaki cattle (宮崎牛) on rice with egg