Dinner at Moon Bay

Dinner at Moon Bay

at Moon Bay Chinese Cuisine on 4 October 2022
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My first visit, after hearing about it boasting the best roast suckling pig since the chef moved here from Seventh Son.

The pig did not disappoint. It was, in fact, the best one I have ever had in all my years of having the suckling pig at Fook Lam Moon, Seventh Son, and now this place.

The stewed beef brisket was really, really good, too. Really happy with this simple and classic dish.

Full account of dinner on my blog: https://www.diarygrowingboy.com/2022/10/the-best-suckling-pig-gets-better.html

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Barbecued suckling pig (皇牌大紅乳豬全體)

The crunchiest crackling ever

Sizzling diced lobster with spring onions, onions, and deep fried shallots (三蔥爆龍蝦球)

Deep-fried garoupa fillet (吉列斑塊)

Classic stewed beef brisket (柱候牛筋腩煲)

Poached chicken spiced, conpoy (瑤柱貴妃雞)

Tossed egg noodles, barbecued pork, ginger, and spring onion (叉燒薑蔥撈麵)