Dinner at Rose's Luxury

Dinner at Rose's Luxury

at Rose’s Luxury on 5 September 2023
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2) Ice Cream, Caviar, and Happiness ❤️

If you haven’t tried the odd pairing of coconut ice cream with fish eggs, it’s stellar! This course is a must order 🤤😋

Sing hi hi ho, for a guy friends called Art and a gal they called Rose
Their spirits inspired this restaurant, to their memories we always toast! 🍾

Sing hey, nonny no for the grandson favored most
Aaron is the owner and chef and sometimes also the host 👨‍🍳

When you dine here, the awesome staff delivers like no other
A grand time for all, even the most difficult of mothers 👩

So won’t you reserve and come dressed to impress?
Chef Silverman and team promise to give their very best! 🙌

At 717 8th St SE is the gathering place for fun
A cocktail to start but there is much more to come! 🍸

Let’s have great food and drinks, maybe even sing and dance
We’ll get cozy and intimate for sure without dropping our pants 😅

Here, we choose pleasure over perfection and fancy over formal
Because when you spend time with us, things never turn out normal 😉

So what do you think, all you fine ladies and gents?
You might arrive as strangers, but you'll surely leave as friends! 😃

(As inspired by one of Rose’s dinner party invitations)
@michelinguide for 2022: 🌟

@oadtop100: No. 74 on the “North America Top Restaurants” list for 2023
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