Dinner at Samrub Samrub Thai สำรับสำหรับไทย

Dinner at Samrub Samrub Thai สำรับสำหรับไทย

at Samrub Samrub Thai on 9 January 2024
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The Concrete Jungle Food menu at @samrubsamrubthai:

Bambara ground nut with salt and white pepper

Deep fried rice field crab with garlic and grilled crab roll in the shell served with asian citrus

Deep fried great white sheatfish stuffed with shrimp paste and turmeric

Grilled spotted knifefish and sea snail dumpling in bamboo served with pickled phak naam (lasia spinosa)

Laab of tiger prawn with yellow eggplant and mint, served with fried shrimps

Hot and sour soup of wild boar with madan (sour cucumber)

Smoked chili relish with pricklv ash-tree berry with smoked crab meat, served with boiled vegetables and grilled fire spiny fish (eel) and bee larvae

Jungle curry of oyster blade beef with manila tamarind, cumin leaves and hot basil

Grilled braised baby chicken with fish sauce served with fresh chili and lime sauce

Young rice pudding and sago noodle with caramelized banana and Thai local coconut curd cake

Congratulations on the 1 Michelin Star!

1*, Samrub Samrub Thai
Bangkok, Thailand
#supermelThailand #supermelBKK