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Foodle Reviews

on 01 Aug 2017

Warung Babi Guling Ibu Oka is a Bali institution for roasted suckling pig and perhaps the most famous food spot on the island. Many local chefs recommend it and it was popularized even more after it aired on an episode of Anthony Bourdain's show in 2006.
Babi Guling is essentially a whole roasted pig stuffed with different spices including turmeric, coriander seeds, lemongrass, shallots, garlic, ginger, galangal, bird’s eye chilli, black peppercorn, salt, and shrimp paste. Then, they hand turn... More

6 / 10
on 09 Apr 2017

I am sucker for Anthony Bourdain as he is one of my primary food compasses whenever I go to a new environment so it made absolutely no sense whatsoever to not come to Bali and not do this venue which Bourdain had some of the finest pig produce ever. This turned out to being the third installment of the Ibu Oka brand in Ubud, Bali. Same format, just bigger, the pigs are slaughtered and spit-roasted every day and then ‘painted’ with coconut water throughout their 5 hours of spit-roasting.... More

Recommended in Ubud


Jl. Tegal Sari No.2, Tengah, Kecamatan Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali 80571, Indonesia


Open hours


+62 361 976345