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Niko'las 0/360 Sofia


Average rating from 1 meal 6 / 10
Photo Views: 230
Restaurant Views: 2,163
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This place is ran by chef Tzvetomir Nikolov since 2016. It is one of the few places in Sofia, where you could get a degustation menu. Their motto is: "The taste of Balkans with an Asian twist", which they achieve quite good. The restaurant is located in the very center of Sofia and during summer has also a small garden. All personnel are English-friendly and the atmosphere is always nice and calm. Usually, during days you would not need to make an upfront registration, but if it is about dinner time, this is highly recommended.


Tzvetomir Nikolov

Foodle Reviews

6 / 10
Top list
on 27 Jan 2018

Very interesting place. My first visit there. I liked their approach of providing typical Bulgarian dishes in an exotic Asian way. The main chef is used to travel a lot and purchase all his ingredients on his own, this time he was just back from his New Year tour in Thailand.

Recommended in Sofia


pl. "Rayko Daskalov" 3, 1000 Sofia Center, Sofia, Bulgaria


Open hours


+359 87 688 8471

