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Moment Rønde


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Modern Cuisine

Foodle Reviews

on 14 Jan 2023

2022 Top 10 Dishes
(No. 4 in chronological order)

Sugar Peas, Kohlrabi Flan, Shisho, Lavender Granita
Restaurant Moment
July 2022

After 12 different dishes with peas this July in Denmark, I can’t help but compare which one is fresher, sweeter or juicier and this is the gold medal winner. Grown on their own farm, the quality of these peas are a cut above the others. The granita keeps the dish cold and refreshing while the peas sweetness is brought out by the use of some homemade shoyu.... More


Ravnen 1, 8410 Rønde, Denmark


Open hours


+45 51 36 26 56

