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Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
Photo Views: 4
Restaurant Views: 1,014
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Foodle Reviews

7 / 10
on 11 Mar 2016

This was a delightful option to come by. Immediately the interior makes you feel comfortable and easily surpasses many restaruants that obviously haven’t put thought in to their decor and the service was charming throughout. The menu is only on the blackbaord adding to the fun of picking everything and I thought the staff were wonderful in catering for my bizarre choices (starters and starter / kids menu portion sized mains with sides) as I just wanted to try a little of as much as possible... More

Recommended in Penarth


67 Queen's Rd, Penarth CF64 1DJ, UK


Open hours


+44 29 2071 0615

