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Average rating from 1 meal 9 / 10
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Modern British

Foodle Reviews

9 / 10
on 16 Apr 2016

It was nice to be sat upstairs on this occasion (there is a basement too, often used for live jazz evenings) and also to try lunch as opposed to the pre-theatre which I have done several times now. This lunch was an online offer for 3 courses and a blini for £25 which is not only wonderful value but when you are having food that is this satisfying I do have to think where else in London can compare on this sort of Richter scale of return – I’m not sure anywhere else does.

The chicken raviolo... More

Recommended in London


4A Upper St Martin's Ln, London WC2H 9NY, UK


Permanently Closed


+44 20 3764 0840

