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Theo Randall at the InterContinental London


Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
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Italian Cuisine


Theo Randall

Foodle Reviews

7 / 10
on 17 Mar 2017

I have been meaning to get in to Theo Randall’s for many moons as a loved and reveared force in the world of Italian cooking. The restaurant is in the lower levels of The Intercontinental Hotel, just off Hyde Park as it has been since 2006. Instant impressions were that the bar was quite small and it is very much a hotel restaurant by design which unfortunately also has hard acoustics in general. Service was very pleasant and the plus of the food having a simple, no nonsense style with some... More

Recommended in London


InterContinental, 1 Hamilton Pl, Mayfair, London W1J 7QY, UK


Open hours


+44 (20) 73 18 87 47

