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The Ivy Cafe Blackheath London


Average rating from 1 meal 6 / 10
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Foodle Reviews

6 / 10
on 22 Nov 2015

I have been here many times having grown up in Blackheath and remember it well when it was Chapter II (sister restaurant to Chapter One in Kent) 20 odd years ago. It actually changed from the restaurant (only) that it was to the all day dining brasserie it is now whilst I was away abroad for 6 months, so when I got back I was surprised as it was pretty much the flagship restaurant in Blackheath. Obvious care and attention to the brunch experience but ultimately some aspects that could have been... More

Recommended in London


43-45 Montpelier Vale, Blackheath, London SE3 0TJ, UK


Open hours


+44 20 3940 1010

