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Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
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Matt Colk


British, Gastropub

Foodle Reviews

8 / 10
on 05 Nov 2016

An impromtu need for a quick lunch out as was out and about led us to quickly nip in to The Gun to try the bar snacks as a change of speed. I’ve found this to be a very good way of doing lunch more cheaply than full blown out-dining and these offerings proved to get two people quite full on sharing three snacks alone. This was however, very good value to fill two people up completely for £20 at a very nice pub. As it gets colder, these lovely pubs with fireplaces will become more and more... More

Recommended in London


27 Coldharbour, Poplar, London E14 9NS, UK


Open hours


+44 20 7519 0075

