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The Gilbert Scott London


Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
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Restaurant Views: 965
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modern classic Cuisine


Dan Howes

Foodle Reviews

7 / 10
on 15 Sep 2015

I’ve been meaning to drop in to The Gilbert Scott for many moons now as recommended by Marcus Wareing’s team at Tredwell’s, and a chance pass by on Saturday early evening allowed me to drop in quickly. The bar was impressive, the staff with beaming smiles which is always a good sign and I was accommodated for the brief visit. First impressions of the dining room were grand, resembling that of The Wolseley but only smaller. If you enter the hotel’s front doors you are on a bit of a... More

Recommended in London


St Pancras Renaissance Hotel, Euston Rd, Kings Cross, London NW1 2AR, UK


Permanently Closed


+44 (20) 7278 3888

