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Odette's London


Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
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modern classic Cuisine


Bryn Williams, William Gordon

Foodle Reviews

7 / 10
on 27 May 2015

This is a lovely place to have chanced on and one I’ve coincidentally been meaning to try for a long time. Having never been, my first reaction was that it was placed in a lovely urban village setting and inside it was certainly cosy in the narrow main dining room. Downstairs there was more room and a very relaxed feel to the place in general without losing any charm. The food itself was perfectly fine – well done, but not fussy at the same time and there were no major flavour disagreements.... More

Recommended in London


130 Regent's Park Rd, Camden Town, London NW1 8XL, UK


Permanently Closed


+44 (20) 75 86 85 69

