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Average rating from 2 meals 6.5 / 10
Photo Views: 7
Restaurant Views: 1,132
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Foodle Reviews

7 / 10
on 30 Sep 2017

Finally, I get to Bōkan to do properly and try the big guns of a full blown dinner. The venue and view was impressive as ever and a pleasure to be there for a Saturday evening. The headline however, is that there were several aspects of the experience that meant that the overall polish was simply at a lower peg than finer dining venues in both food and overall delivery. More details are at the expansion button but there were some good aspects such as the comparative value for money of the... More

6 / 10
on 29 Apr 2017

Not only is this around the corner from myself, the exciting thing about Bōkan at the newly opened Novotel in Canary Wharf is that the chef opening this establishment is formerly of L’Atelier de Joel Robuchon, off Leicester Sq, which has been Michelin starred for many years. The menu has been made more user-friendly to the masses and this visit was from the bar on the 38th floor. Above this on the 39th is the out-door roof terrace and below on 37th is the main restaurant which I look forward... More

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