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Medlar London


Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
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Joe Mercer Nairne


Modern Cuisine

Foodle Reviews

on 18 Sep 2020

The perennial Joe Mercer Nairne classic at Medlar.

8 / 10
on 23 Dec 2012

A very pleasant visit on this occasion whilst it had a brief spell holding a Michelin star. I’m not sure why it as lost it’s star as the menu I had was perfectly acceptable and comfortably in the middle echelon of 1 Michelin starred restaurants and for me personally, it was a lovely set menu at a reasonable cost and even more lovely to see steak and béarnaise sauce on the set menu! The food was highly satisfying and probably the highlight was the duck egg starter – a lovely, rich feel... More

Recommended in London


438 King's Rd, Chelsea, London SW10 0LJ, UK


Open hours


+44 (20) 73491900

