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Darwin Brasserie London


Average rating from 1 meal 5 / 10
Photo Views: 21
Restaurant Views: 1,069
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Foodle Reviews

5 / 10
on 15 Aug 2016

This was an original and pleasant way to start the day no question, and after an airport-style security check (which I happen to be in favour of), the first impression was a somewhat touristy, airport concourse on exiting the elevator at the 36th floor. However, this entrance was also complete with beaming smiles from all the greeters showing the way at the top which was a very pleasant way to enter. Great views, well meaning service and passable food; I believe there are better brunches to have... More

Recommended in London


Level 36 Sky Garden, 20 Philpot Ln, London EC3M 8AF, UK


Open hours


+44 333 772 0020

